If you are thinking of starting a small business, do you really need any software of your own or could you “outsource everything”? There are online service providers for managing most of the processes in business. This book would review what’s available online, and how you can use these “software as a service” providers to outsource much of the day-to-day administrative hassle of running a business.

Here are some thoughts:




Online document management/collaboration

Task management/project management/organisation

Managing timesheets and invoices

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)




Virtual desktop

Outsourcing labour

Human resources and hiring

Please suggest any other tools you think we should be looking at. This title is in the very early planning stages, so we’re still trying to understand the landscape. There seem to be hundreds (if not thousands) of sites competing in this area, so recommendations of services that you have benefited from using in business would be particularly welcome.